One of the most widely used methods for detection of H1N1 fluvirus is to collect a nasopharyngeal swab sample. The CDCrecommends the use of synthetic tip swabs, such as Flocked Swabs,which exhibit a superior recovery of viruses. Several independentscientific studies published in the Journal of ClinicalMicrobiology and presented at Clinical Virology Symposium show thatthe quality of the sample taken using Flocked Swabs is comparableto the quality of a sample collected from a nasopharyngeal aspirateor nasal was, which are considered the gold standard for upperrespiratory virus samples. The open structure of FlockedSwabs acts like a soft brush that efficiently dislodges andcollects cells and mucus, then releases the sample immediately whenput in a viral transport medium. In Ontario, the Agency for HealthProtection and Promotion also lists Flocked Swabs as the preferredtype of swab for respiratory virus sample collection on its latestversion of LABstract on H1N1 Flu Virus (human swine influenza),Updated Guidance for Laboratory Testing, Hospital Setting.
Flocked Swabs are easy to use, are less invasive and causeminimal discomfort for the patient