ESD Association Standards
ANSI ESD S1.1:1998—Evaluation, acceptance, and functionaltesting of wrist straps.
ANSI ESD S4.1:1997—Work surfaces—Resistance measurements.
ANSI ESD STM5.1:2001—Electrostatic discharge sensitivity testing—Human body model.
ANSI ESD S6.1:1999—Grounding—Recommended practice.
ANSI ESD S8.1:2001—ESD awareness symbols. ANSI ESD S20.20:1999—Standard forthe develop- ment of an ESD control program.
ANSI ESD STM2.1:1997—Resistance test methodfor electrostaticdischarge protective garments.
ANSI ESD STM3.1:2000—Ionization.
ANSI ESD STM4.2:1998—Work surfaces—Charge dissipationcharacteristics.
ANSI ESD STM5.2:1999—Electrostatic discharge sensitivity testing—Machine model.
ANSI ESD STM5.3.1:1999—Charged devicemodel
(CDM)—Component level.
ANSI ESD STM9.1:2001—Resistive characterization of footwear.
ANSI ESD STM11.11:2001—Surface resistancemea- surement ofstatic dissipative planarmaterials
ANSI ESD STM11.12:2000—Volume resistancemeasurement of static dissipative planar materials.
ANSI ESD STM12.1:1997 —Seating—Resistive characterization.
ANSI ESD STM11.31:2001—Evaluating theperfor- manceof electrostatic discharge shielding bags.
ANSI ESD STM97.1:1999—Floor materials and footwear—Resistance in combination with a person.
ANSI ESD STM97.2:1999—Floor materials and footwear—Voltage measurement in combination with a person.
ESD S541:2003—Packaging materialsfor ESD sen- sitive items.
ESD SP9.2:2003—Foot grounders—Resistive characterization.
ESD SP3.3:2000—Per iodicver ification of air ionizers.
ESD SP10.1:2000—Automated handlingequipment.ESD STM7.1:2001—Floor materials—Resistivecharacterization of materials.
ESD STM13.1:2000—Elect r ical solder ing and desoldering hand tools.
ESD Association
Advisory Documents
ESD ADV1.0:2003—Glossary ofterms.
ESD ADV3.2:1995—Selection andacceptance of air ionizers.
ESD ADV11.2:1995—Triboelectric charge accumu- lation testing.
ESD ADV53.1:1995—ESD protectiveworkstations.
ESD Association
Technical Reports
ESD TR 01:1999—Canstatic elect r icit y be measured?
ESD TR 02:1999—High-resistance ohmmeters— Voltagemeasurements.
ESD TR 03:1999—Glove andfinger cots.
ESD TR 04:1999—EOSsafe solder ing iron requirements.
ESD TR 06:2000—Static electricityhazards of triboelectrically charged garments.
ESD TR 07:2000—Calculationof uncer taint y associated with measurement of electrostatic discharge (ESD) current.
ESD TR 08:2000—Socket devicemodel (SDM)
ESD TR 09:2000—Transient-induced latch-up(TLU). ESD TR 10-01—Machine model(MM) electrostat- ic discharge (ESD) investigation—Reduction in pulse number and delay time.
ESD TR 11-04 —Elect rostatic guidelines and considerations for cleanrooms and clean manufacturing.
ESD TR 12-01—Survey ofconstant (continuous)
monitors forwrist straps.
ESD TR 13-02—Alternate techniques for measuring ionizer offset voltage and discharge time.
ESD TR 14-02—Measurementand ESD control issues for automated equipment handling of ESD sensitive devices below 100 V.
ESD TR 15-02—Sur veyof static control work surfaces and grounding mechanisms.
ESD TR 16-03—Voltage andenergy susceptible de- vice concepts, including latency considerations. ESD TR 20.20—ESD handbook.
Other Standards
AATCC 134:2001—Electrostatic propensit yof carpets.
AFLCR 65-8:1998—M<S