序号 | 标准代号 | 发布时间 | 国际标准分类号(ICS) | 英文名称 | 中文名称 | 技术委员会TC/SC |
1 | IEC/TRF 60730-2-11 | 12 /12/ 2008 | | This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60730 2 11:93 + A1:94 +A2:97 in conjunction with IEC 60730 1:2003, Edition 3.1 (Edition3:1999 consolidated with amendment 1:2003) | 该试验报告格式适用于IEC 60730 2 11:93 + A1:94 + A2:97,与 IEC 60730 1:2003,3.1版 (3版:1999 与修改一起整理过的 1:2003) | TC 72 |
2 | IEC 260749-20 | 9/12/ 2008 | 31.080.01 | Semiconductor devices—Mechanical and climatic test methods—Part20: Resistance of plastic encapsulated SMDs to the combined effectof moisture and soldering heat | 半导体器件——-机械和气候试验方法——-第20部分:塑封SMD对潮湿和焊接热的联合效应的承受力 | TC 47 |
3 | IEC/TRF 60598-2-24 | 5/12/ 2008 | | This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60598-2-24:1997 used inconjunction with IEC 60598-1:2008 | 该试验报告格式适用于IEC 60598- 2-24:1997,与IEC 60598-1:2008一起用 |
4 | IEC/TRF 60598-2-19 | 5/12/ 2008 | | This Test Report Form applies to IEC60598-2-19:1981+A1:1987+A2:1997 used in conjunction with IEC60598-1:2008 | 该试验报告格式适用于IEC 60598- 2-19:1981+A1:1987+A2:1997,与 IEC60598-1:2008一起用 |
5 | IEC/TRF 60598-2- | 5/12/ 2008 | | This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60598-2-6:1994+A1:1996used in conjunction with IEC 60598-1:2008 | 该试验报告格式适用于IEC 60598 -2-6:1994+A1:1996 ,与IEC 60598- 1:2008一起用 |
6 | IEC 60915 Corr.1 | 9/12/ 2008 | 31.040 31.060. | Corrigendum 1—Fixed capacitors for use in electronicequipment—Preferred dimensions of shaft ends, bushes and for themounting of single-hole, bush-mounted, shaft-operated electroniccomponents | 勘误表1——-电子设备用固定电容器——-用轴工作电子元器件的轴端、轴套及单孔安装、轴衬安装的优选尺寸 |
7 | IEC 60943-am1 | 9/12/ 2008 | 29.020 | Amendment 1—Guidance concerning the permissible temperaturerise for parts of electrical equipment, in particular for terminals | 修改1——-关于电子设备零部件,特别是接线端子的允许温升导则 |
8 | IEC/TRF 60947-2 | 5/12/ 2008 | | This Test Report Form applies to IEC 60947-2:2006 (4th Edition) | 该试验报告格式适用于IEC 60947-2: 2006 (4版) |
9 | IEC 61000-4-2 | 9/12/ 2008 | 33.100.20 | Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)—Part 4-2: Testing andmeasurement techniques—Electrostatic discharge immunity test | 电磁兼容性(EMC) ——-第4-2部分:实验和测量技术——-抗静电放电试验 | SC 77B |
10 | IEC 61300-3-6 | 9/12/ 2008 | 33.180.20 | Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passivecomponents—Basic test and measurement procedures—Part 3-6:Examinations and measurements—Return loss | 光纤连接器和无源元件——-基本实验和测试程序——-第3-6部分:检验和测量——-回波损耗 | SC 86B |
11 | IEC 61850-80-1 | 11/12/ 2008 | 33.200. | Communication networks and systems for power utilityautomation—Part 80-1: Guideline to exchanging information from aCDC-based data model using IEC 60870-5-101 or IEC 60870-5-104 | 功率效用自动控制的通信网络和体系——-第80-1部分:使用IEC60870-5- 101或IEC60870 -5-104交换来自CDC基本数据模式信息的导则 | TC 57 |
| IEC 61850-SER | 11/12/ 2008 | | Communication networks and systems in substations—ALL PARTS | 变电站内的通信网络和系统——-所有部分 | TC 57 |
12 | IEC 62059-31-1 Corr.1 | 9/12/ 2008 | 29.240; 91.140.50 | Corrigendum 1—Electricity metering equipment—Dependability—Part31-1: Accelerated reliability testing—Elevated temperature andhumidity | 勘误表1——-电流测量仪——-可信性——-第31-1部分:加速可靠性试验——-升温和潮湿性 | |
13 | IEC 62303 | 11/12/ 2008 | 13.280 | Radiation protection instrumentation—Equipment for monitoringairborne tritium | 辐射防护仪——-监测环境中氚元素的仪器 | SC 45B |
14 | IEC 62321 | 11/12/ 2008 | 13.02043.040.10 | Electrotechnical products—Determination of levels of sixregulated substances (lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium,polybrominated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenyl ethers) | 电工产品——-六种受控物质含量水平测定(铅、水银、镉六价铬、多溴化苯、多溴化二苯醚气体) | TC 111 |
15 | IEC 62499 | 11/12/ 2008 | 45.060. | Railway applications—Current collection systems—Pantographs,testing methods for carbon contact strips | 铁路应用——-电流积聚系统——-碳接触条用缩放仪、试验方法 | TC 9 |
16 | IEC 62496-1 | 9/12/ 2008 | 33.180.01;31.180. | Optical circuit boards—Part 1: General | 光学电路板——-第1部分:总则 | TC 86 |
17 | ISO/IEC 9594-3 Corr.2 | 3 /12/ 2008 | 35.100.70 | Corrigendum 2—Information technology—Open SystemsInterconnection—The Directory: Abstract service definition | 勘误表2——-信息技术——-开放系统互连——-地址:概要服务定义 |
18 | ISO/IEC 9594-2 Corr.2 | 3 /12/ 2008 | 35.100.70 | Corrigendum 2—Information technology—Open SystemsInterconnection—The Directory: Models | 勘误表2——-信息技术——-开放系统互连——-目录——-模式 |
19 | ISO/IEC 9594-2 Corr.1 | 3 /12/ 2008 | 35.100.70 | Corrigendum 1—Information technology—Open SystemsInterconnection—The Directory: Models | 勘误表1——信息技术——-开放系统互连——-目录——-模式 |
20 | ISO/IEC 9594-3 Corr.1 | 3 /12/ 2008 | 35.100.7 | Corrigendum 1—Information technology—Open SystemsInterconnection—The Directory: Abstract service definition | 勘误表1——信息技术——-开放系统互连——-目录——-概要服务定义 |
21 | ISO/IEC 9594-3 Corr.2 | 3 /12/ 2008 | 35.100.70 | Corrigendum 1—Information technology—Open SystemsInterconnection—The Directory: Abstract service definition | 勘误表2——信息技术——-开放系统互连——-目录——-概要服务定义 |
22 | ISO 80000-11 | 3 /12/ 2008 | 01.060. | Quantities and units—Part 11: Characteristic numbers | 数量和单位——-第11部分:特征数 | TC 25 |
23 | ISO/IEC 14496-12 Corr.1 | 2 /12/ 2008 | 35.040. | Corrigendum 1—Information technology—Coding of audio-visualobjects—Part 12: ISO base media file format | 勘误表1——信息技术——-音视频对象编码——-第12部分:ISO基础媒体文件格式 |
24 | ISO/IEC 14496-16-am1 Corr.2 | 2 /12/ 2008 | 35.040. | Corrigendum 2—Amendment 1—Information technology —— Coding ofaudio-visual objects —— Part 16: Animation Framework eXtension(AFX)—Geometry and shadow— | 勘误表2—修改1——-信息技术——-音视频对象编码——-第16部分:活性框架的扩展(AFX)——-图形和阴影 |
25 | ISO/IEC 15444-12 Corr.1 | 2 /12/ 2008 | 35.040. | Corrigendum 1—Information technology—JPEG 2000 image codingsystem—Part 12: ISO base media file forma | 勘误表2—信息技术——-音视频对象编码——-第16部分:活性框架的扩展(AFX)——图形和阴影 |
26 | ISO/IEC 19757-8 | 3 /12/ 2008 | 35.240.30 | Information technology —— Document Schema Definition Languages(DSDL) —— Part 8: Document Semantics Renaming Language (DSRL) | 信息技术——-文件计划定义语言(DSDL) ——-第8部分:文件语义学重新命名语言(DSRL) | JTC 1/SC 34 |
27 | ISO/IEC 23000-9 Corr.1 | 2 /12/ 2008 | 35.040. | Corrigendum 1—Information technology —— Multimedia applicationformat (MPEG-A) —— Part 9: Digital Multimedia Broadcastingapplication format - | 勘误表1——-信息技术——-多媒体应用格式(MPEG-A)——-第9部分:数字多媒体广播应用格式 |
28 | ISO/IEC 25012 | 3 /12/ 2008 | 35.080. | Software engineering —— Software product Quality Requirementsand Evaluation (SQuaRE) —— Data quality model | 软件工程——-软件产品质量要求和评价(SQuaRE) ——-数字质量模式 | JTC 1 / SC 7 |