1.IEC证书 Certificate of IEC
2.Vds证书 Certificate of Vds
3.UL证书 Certificate of UL
4.CE证书 Certificate of CE
5.POCC证书 Certificate of POCC
6.ISO14001证书(中文) Certificate of ISO14001
7.ISO9001证书(英文) Certificate of ISO9001
8.广播电视入网证书 Certificate of NationalBroadcasting
9.国防通信网设备器材进网许可证 Network Access License for Defence Ministryof lnformation
10.沃达丰合格供应商 Qualified Supplier forVODAFONE
11.中国船级社认证证书 China Classification Society Certificate ofWorks Approval
12.江苏省高新技术企业认定证书 Certificate of Jiangsu Hi-TechEnterprise
13.企业信用等级证书 Certificate of Enterprise CreditClassification
14泰尔认证证书 Certificate of TLC
15.一般贸易出口优良企业证书 Excellent ExportEnterprise
16.通信行业抗击雪灾先进集体证书 Certificate of Telecom Advanced Party forSnow Disaster Salvation
17.鉴衡太阳能认证证书 Certificate of Jianheng Solar BatteryAuthentication
18.产品****证书 National Exemption Product QualityCertification
19.**证书 Patents
20.中国****证书 Certificate of China lnspection ExemptionProducts
21.守合同重信用企业证书 Enterpriseof observing contract and valuing credit
22.广东省百强企业证书 Certificate of Guangdong Top 100 Enterprise