wiper cloth cleanroom

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wiper clothFEATURES
Generate only a minuscule amount of lint.
Absorb and retain water quickly and positively.
Have lower dissolution of residual ions, etc.


wiper cloth
  • provide high wiperperformance(when used in clean rooms, wipers need to
    remove a maximum amount of dust without contaminating the clean room

  • Production processes for photomegnetic disks, hard disks, and floppy disks
  • Production processes for deflection plates of liquid crystals, etc
  • Compact and magnetic disk production processes
  • Video deck production processes
  • Contact lens production processes
  • Camera assembly lines
  • Printed circuit board cleaning processes
  • Cleaning processes for camera lenses before coating
  • Medicine production processes
  • Movie film cleaning processes
  • Production processes for semiconductors and integrated circuits
  • Workpiece cleaning process before precision coating
  • BelimaX,an ultra-fine microfiber used for Savina Minimax and other Savina wiping cloths, is produced by: (1) weaving or knitting a base fabric with polyester/nylon special conjugate (composite) yarn; and (2) chemically treating the fabric to open and split the yarn used. After being split, each resultant filament is as fine as only 0.1 decitex. This remarkable fineness allows the development of various high-performance, fashionable materials.
  • High technology fields are growing every day in sophistication and precision. Highly efficient wiping cloths are essential for a strict dust-free environment in the manufacturing of such products as LSIs and LCDs. Savina Minimax was created to readily meet the needs of the times, with excellent functions enough to cope with the ultimate dust-free condition in super clean rooms.

    Wipers for use in clean rooms should clean all instruments, apparatuses and peripheral devices while causing no contamination. They are also required to absorb and remove any undesired moisture. Savina Minimax, which contains all properties needed for such wipers, is one of the highest-performance wiping cloths designed for the age of high technology.

    After knitting, the greige for Savina Minimax is shrunken lengthwise and widthwise with the proprietary technology of KB SEIREN, in order to achieve an extremely dense construction. The fine filaments on the wiping cloth surface, as many as 82,550/sq.cm, ensure the fail-safe entrapment of dust.
    cross sectional photo
    Cross-sectional photo
    surface photo
    Surface photo


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