扫频信号发生器 8350B 8350B
扫频信号发生器 8350B Description: The Agilent HP 8350B is a Sweep Oscillator Mainframe that is a powerful general-purpose source for swept microwave measurements, CW signal generations and automatic testing
扫频信号发生器 8350B
Product Specs:
Broadband frequency coverage
High output power
Low harmonics
Five frequency markers
Agilent-IB control of all Agilent 8350B mainframe functions, and all Agilent 83500 series plug-in functions
Other Info:
Combine the HP Agilent 8350B mainframe with any of the 11 versatile Agilent 83500 Series RF plug-ins to configure a source that meets your frequency and power requirements.
The HP Agilent 8350B mainframe includes many productivity features, such as five independent, continuously variable markers, a marker sweep function, and save/recall registers that provide quick access to nine complete front panel settings.