丹麦GM-80吸尘器 GM-80吸尘器
Type of Motor: External motor
Power Consumption: 1200 W, 9A
Vacuum Pressure: 2270 μm/WG
Air Flow Rate: 38 LITER/SEC
Capacity of Dust Collecting Barrel: 12.25L
Capacity of Paper Bag: 9.25L
Dimension: 41cm(H) x 30cm(Diameter)
Weight: (excluding parts) 5.0kg
Sound Level: 61dB (A)
Application: clean room, crystal processing, foods processing, semi-conductor processing, electronic factories and labs etc.
GM-80****的地方是有三个支撑点,还有近6.25公升大的双层过泸纸袋容量,跟加大的棉质主过滤网,另配微过滤网或高效率过滤网可以过滤0.3-0.1微米的尘埃 。 GM80有能力过滤掉99.97%的粉尘包括0.3微米大小的粉尘。它结合了强力的吸力、过滤能力和安静的工作环境,这种吸尘器理想适用于许多地方 包括:实验室的污染控制、无尘室或其它对灰尘敏感的场所,有害粉尘扬起物包括石棉等等。 ·适用于无尘室、晶圆加工、食品加工业、半导体加工、电子工厂、实验室等 ·三个支撑点 ·6.25公升大的过泸纸袋容量 ·滤网高效率过滤效果0.3μm达99.97% GM-80 四大过滤系统:
GM80 has 4 support points with 20L big filter paper bag, it can filter the exhausted air with the cotton main filter, micro filter and effective filter. GM80 is capable of filtering 99.97& dust, including 0.3 micron dust. With powerful suction, outstanding filtering capacity and silent work environment, this dust collector is perfect for various occasions, including lab, clean room and other occasions which are sensitive to dust, and can filter harmful powder including asbestos etc.
GM80 has 4 support points with 20L big filter paper bag, it can filter the exhausted air with the cotton main filter, micro filter and effective filter. GM80 is capable of filtering 99.97& dust, including 0.3 micron dust. With powerful suction, outstanding filtering capacity and silent work environment, this dust collector is perfect for various occasions, including lab, clean room and other occasions which are sensitive to dust, and can filter harmful powder including asbestos etc.
Type of Motor: External motor
Power Consumption: 1200 W, 9A
Vacuum Pressure: 2270 μm/WG
Air Flow Rate: 38 LITER/SEC
Capacity of Dust Collecting Barrel: 12.25L
Capacity of Paper Bag: 9.25L
Dimension: 41cm(H) x 30cm(Diameter)
Weight: (excluding parts) 5.0kg
Sound Level: 61dB (A)
Application: clean room, crystal processing, foods processing, semi-conductor processing, electronic factories and labs etc.