PST600 PST600D PST600E PST600E T600D PST600 PST600D PST600E PST600E T600D
日本 MITISUMI微功耗电压检测芯片
MITSUMI System Reset PST600
System Reset
Monolithic IC PST600
This IC operates in a variety of CPU systems and other logicsystems by detecting power supply voltage, so
that the system can be reset accurately when power is turned on orwhen power is momentarily cut. PST572
and others perform the same function as does this series, but thisIC is a low reset type system resetting IC
which follows load current so that circuit current flow increasesfor ON, and has low current consumption for
both ON and OFF.
1. Follows load current so that circuit current flow increases forON, and has low current consumption for
both ON and OFF. No load : ICCL=7µA typ.; ICCH=5µA typ.
2. Low operating limit voltage 0.65V typ.
3. Hysteresis voltage provided in detection voltage 50mV typ.
4. The following 10 ranks of detection voltages are available.
PST600 C: 4.5V typ. H: 3.1V typ.
D : 4.2V typ. I : 2.9V typ.
E : 3.9V typ. J : 2.7V typ.
F : 3.6V typ. K : 2.5V typ.
G: 3.3V typ. L : 2.3V typ.
MMP-3A (PST600 M)
TO-92A (PST600 )
* contains detection voltage rank.
1. Microcomputers, CPU, MPU reset circuits
2. Logic circuit reset circuits
3. Battery voltage check circuits
4. Back-up power supply switching circuits
5. Level detection circuits