HT1623 HT1625 HT1623 HT1625
HT1623 HT1625是一个专为I/O口型微控制器设计的液晶显示驱动芯片. HT1623 HT1625的*大驱动显示能力为512 段 (64x8). HT1623 HT1625支持串行接口, HT1623 HT1625同时支持蜂鸣器输出, HT1623 HT1625还内建看门狗定时器或时基定时器。 HT1623 HT1625是一个内存映射和多功能的LCD控制器. 通过软件配置功能后的HT162
HT1623 -- RAM Mapping 48x8 LCD Controller forI/O MCU General Description HT1623 is a peripheral device speciallydesigned for I/O type MCU used to expand the display capability.The max. display segment of the device are 384 patterns (48x8). Italso supports serial interface, buzzer sound, watchdog timer ortime base timer functions. The HT1623 is a memory mapping andmulti-function LCD controller. The software configuration featureof the HT1623 make it suitable for multiple LCD applicationsincluding LCD modules and display subsystems. Only three lines arerequired for the interface between the host controller and theHT1623. The HT162X series have many kinds of products that matchvarious applications.
HT1625 -- RAM Mapping 64x8 LCD Controller forI/O MCU
General Description
HT1625 is a peripheral device speciallydesigned for I/O type MCU used to expand the display capability.The max. display segment of the device are 512 patterns (64x8). Italso supports serial interface, buzzer sound, watchdog timer ortime base timer functions. The HT1625 is a memory mapping andmulti-function LCD controller. The software configuration featureof the HT1625 make it suitable for multiple LCD applicationsincluding LCD modules and display subsystems. Only three lines arerequired for the interface between the host controller and theHT1625. The HT162X series have many kinds of products that matchvarious applications.
HT1623 HT1625是一个专为I/O口型微控制器设计的液晶显示驱动芯片. HT1623 HT1625的*大驱动显示能力为512 段 (64x8). HT1623 HT1625支持串行接口, HT1623 HT1625同时支持蜂鸣器输出, HT1623 HT1625还内建看门狗定时器或时基定时器。 HT1623 HT1625是一个内存映射和多功能的LCD控制器. 通过软件配置功能后的HT1623 HT1625能适合于多种应用场合,包括液晶显示器、液晶显示模块和显示子系统。用于连接主控制器和HT1623 HT1625的数据通讯线只需要3根,HT1623 HT1625还有一个节电命令用于降低系统功耗。
HT1623 HT1625
*HT1623 HT1625 工作电压2.7V— 5.2V
*HT1623 HT1625 内嵌RC 振荡器
* HT1623 HT1625 可外接32KHz 晶振或256KHz 频率源输入
* HT1623 HT1625 可选1/4 或1/8 的占空比; 帧频率是64Hz=
* HT1623 HT1625 片内时基频率源
* HT1623 HT1625 蜂鸣器可选择两种频率
* HT1623 HT1625 节电命令可用于减少功耗
* HT1623 HT1625 内嵌时基发生器和看门狗定时器WDT
* HT1623 HT1625 时基或看门狗定时器溢出输出
* HT1623 HT1625 八个时基/看门狗定时器时钟源
* HT1623 HT1625 可驱动48*8段液晶显示(8 commons, 48 segments)
* HT1623 HT1625 一个内嵌的48*8位显示RAM 内存
* HT1623 HT1625含内置式的内部电阻偏置发生器
* HT1623 HT1625 为3线串行接口
* HT1623 HT1625有 8种时基/定时器可供选择
* HT1623 HT1625可时基或定时器溢出输出
* HT1623 HT1625 内置内存液晶显示器
* HT1623 HT1625读/写地址的自动增量
* HT1623 HT1625有两个选择蜂鸣器频率( 2kHz/4kHz )
* HT1623 HT1625可控制关机以降低能源消耗
* HT1623 HT1625具备软件配置功能
* HT1623 HT1625 具备数据模式和命令模式指示
* HT1623 HT1625 有三种数据访问模式
* HT1623 HT1625 的VLCD引脚可调整LCD的工作电压
* HT1623 HT1625 有 DICE(裸片)和 100QFP两种封装可供选择的产品特性