LG240641液晶显示模块代用品----HG240641 HG240641
LG240641液晶显示模块代用品----HG240641,这款产品为24064点阵,蓝模式(蓝底白字),也有黄绿模式(黄绿底黑字);5V供电/3.3V供电; LG240641液晶显示模块代用品----HG240641为清达光电出品,T6963C控制器,全贴片封装。
QQ 453189731 13701081790 刘小姐
The T6963C is an LCD controller designed to be used with LCD control driver LSIs and data display memories. The device has an 8−bit parallel data bus and control lines for reading or writing through an MPU interface. It can be directly connected to a TMPZ−80. It has a 128−word character generator ROM which can control an external display RAM of up to 64 Kbytes. Allocation of text, graphics and external character generator RAM can be made easily and the display window can be moved freely within the allocated memory range. The device supports a very broad range of LCD formats by allowing selection of different combinations via a set of programmable inputs. It can be used in text, graphic and combination text−and−graphic modes, and includes various attribute functions.
显示类型 STN/蓝色/负性/全透
显示像素: 白色 颜色 显示背景: 蓝色
数据输入格式 8 位并行数据
占空比 1/64 占空比 视角 6 点
控制器 T6963CFG-0101
外壳 0.7T
背光 LED 白光
工作温度 -20 ~70℃
存储温度 -30 ~ 80℃
外形尺寸 180.0(W)×65.0(H)×14.6MAX.(T) mm
可视区 132.0(W)×39.0(H) mm
有效区 127.16(W)×33.88(H) mm
点阵 240Dots×64Dots ---
点距离 0.53(W)×0.53(H) mm
点大小 0.49(W)×0.49(H) mm