TX3340清洁验证TOC TX3342,TX3340
TX3340清洁验证TOC The TOC Sampling Kit for Cleaning Validation can be used with Sievers Model 800/900, Anatel ANATOC�, Teledyne Tekmar, OI Analytical Model 1010 and Shimadzu TOC-V Series* TOC Analyzers.
The TOC Cleaning Validation Kits have been designed to simplify sampling for cleaning validation. Packaged in cleanroom-compatible polypropylene boxes, these unique kits contain the components necessary to sample 12 or 72 different areas in the production area, and provide for efficient transport of the samples from production to laboratory with minimal chance of contamination.
TOC清洁验证取样盒专门用于简化总有机碳TOC的方法进行清洁验证过程。产品生产和包装在洁净区内进行,里面的取样瓶和棉签可取样12或者72个不同的生产区域,使取样过程效率大大提高,而且将从取样点到实验室检测过程中可能的污染机率降到*小。取样瓶容积为40ml,经过检测TOC水平<10ug/L. TX714K取样棉签TOC水平<50ug/L, 棉签头易于折断进入瓶子中, 从而降低了污染机率。
The TOC Cleaning Validation Kits have been designed to simplify sampling for cleaning validation. Packaged in cleanroom-compatible polypropylene boxes, these unique kits contain the components necessary to sample 12 or 72 different areas in the production area, and provide for efficient transport of the samples from production to laboratory with minimal chance of contamination.
TOC清洁验证取样盒专门用于简化总有机碳TOC的方法进行清洁验证过程。产品生产和包装在洁净区内进行,里面的取样瓶和棉签可取样12或者72个不同的生产区域,使取样过程效率大大提高,而且将从取样点到实验室检测过程中可能的污染机率降到*小。取样瓶容积为40ml,经过检测TOC水平<10ug/L. TX714K取样棉签TOC水平<50ug/L, 棉签头易于折断进入瓶子中, 从而降低了污染机率。