美国TX761无尘棉签 净化棉签,进口防静电棉签
美国TX761无尘棉签tx714a,tx712a,tx761 进口无尘布 ,进口无硫手指套,进口丁腈手指套,防静电手指套,无尘布,超细无尘布
ITW CleanTips Polyester Alpha Swab, Medium-Size Head, ITW Texwipe TX761 Clean Tip POLY/LONG 6IN PK10ITW CleanTips Polyester Alpha Swab, Medium-Size Head, ITW Texwipe Clean Tip POLY/LONG 6IN PK100 is a reliable and
dependable addition to the ITW Laboratory Consumables family of products. Combining top-notch and uncompromising quality with an affordable price, the ITW CleanTips Polyester Alpha Swab, Medium-Size Head, ITW Texwipe Clean Tip POLY/LONG 6IN PK100 TX761/ TWTX761 can fulfill your laboratory needs while still offering a great value for the money.
ITW CleanTips Polyester Alpha Swab, Medium-Size Head, ITW Texwipe TX761 Clean Tip POLY/LONG 6IN PK10ITW CleanTips Polyester Alpha Swab, Medium-Size Head, ITW Texwipe Clean Tip POLY/LONG 6IN PK100 is a reliable and

Product Category Description:
Ideal for cleaning and validation sampling applications that demand an ultraclean swab. Feature cleanroom laundered knitted polyester for low particle generation and extractable levels. This 100% continuous-filament polyester is heat-molded (thermally-bonded) onto a polypropylene handle, eliminating the need for contaminating adhesives and sealing exposed edges for reduced fiber release. A double layer of Alpha polyester furnishes additional body and sorbency. Flexible internal head paddle, long handle.
Ordering Information: Cleanroom processed. Bag-Within-A-Bag* packaging.