WypAll X60 WIPER

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WypAll X60 34155,,0131-10,0134,0135,Kimberly Clark WypAll X60 Wipers, Kimberly-Clark Professional 34015-50 Product Info


WypAll X60
Kimberly Clark WypAll X60 Wipers, Kimberly-Clark Professional is a reliable and dependable addition to the Kimberly Clark Laboratory Consumables family of products. Combining top-notch and uncompromising quality with an affordable price, the Kimberly Clark WypAll X60 Wipers, Kimberly-Clark Professional 34015-50/ 21903-018 can fulfill your laboratory needs while still offering a great value for the money.

Product Category Description:

Durable uniformly-reinforced towels for demanding jobs. Embossed surface traps and holds dirt and liquids. Can be used in a full range of medium- to heavy-duty applications including utility companies, plant and fleet maintenance, machine shops, ore mines, and grocery stores. No adhesives or binders; wipers leave nothing behind. Tough enough for big jobs, yet soft enough for face and hands. Available in a variety of sizes and formats. Wipers 21903-040 and 37002-024 are hygienic washcloths that are excellent for both body cleansing and drying

Dimensions,W x L, cm (in.):  31.8 x 42.7  (121/2 x 163/4)
Packaging:  BRAG* Box
Kimberly-Clark No.Cat. No.:  34015-50
Unit:  Case


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