TX1010 WIPER 无尘布,无尘擦拭布

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TX1010 WIPER TX1010 Vectra Alpha10 9" x 9" Polyester Cleanroom Wiper ITW


Quantity Option Bag: 100 Wipers Per Bag (Two Inner Bags of 50 Wipers)
Quantity Option Case: 10 Bags of 100 Wipers Per Case
ITW Texwipe TX1010 Description: VectraProcess premium polyester sealed-border wipers.

ITW Texwipe Vectra Alpha10 represents the state of the art in wiper technology and provides maximum performance in critical cleanroom environments. ITW Texwipes proprietary Vectra Process cleans the wipers more efficiently than any cleanroom laundry. ITW Texwipes patented* sealed-border technology produces four fully sealed borders to prevent the release of fibers and particles. The fabric is a no-run interlock, double-knit from 100% continuous-filament polyester. Alpha10 wipers are also available pre-wetted in CleanPaks. It combines the Alpha10 wipers with semiconductor-grade isopropyl alcohol in convenient, resealable dispenser bags.

ITW Texwipe TX1010 Features:

- Excellent balance of wiping efficiency, abrasion resistance and absorbency
- Fully sealed border to prevent fiber release
- Vectra Process for the cleanest, most consistent wipers
- 100% continuous-filament, double-knit polyester
- Solvent-safe Bag-Within-A-Bag cleanroom packaging
- Statistical quality control/Six Sigma Quality Assurance
- 10 Bags of 100 Wipers Per Case

ITW Texwipe TX1010 Benefits:
- Assures cleanliness with ultralow levels of ions and extractables
- Resists abrasion under rigorous use or when wiping rough surfaces
- Helps prevent product and cleanroom contamination by minimizing fiber and particle release
- Complete traceability of each bag

ITW Texwipe TX1010 Applications:

- Designed for use in ISO Class 35 cleanroom environments
- Ideal for wiping interior of process tools and other equipment
- Superior for general wiping in environments where contamination control is of paramount importance
- The best wiper for multiple applications

Other Similar Products Available from SOSCleanroom.com

TX1012 Alpha10: 100 wipers/bag, 12" x 12" nominal (31 cm x 31 cm) double bagged; double-knit polyester, 10 bags/case sealed-border wipers

TX1046 AlphaSat: 50 wipers/flatpack; 9" x 9" nominal (23 cm x 23 cm) 12 flat packs/case wipers pre-wetted with 6% IPA

TX8410 AlphaSat: 50 wipers/flat ack; 9" x 9" nominal (23 cm x 23 cm) 12 flat packs/case wipers pre-wetted with 100%IPA

www.hcy888.com    www.chenyanglobal.com 


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