flocked swabs CY96000

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flocked swabs
New and unique nylon flocked swab technology for DNA sample collection

Improved sample collection 

Increaed assay sensitivity


flocked swabs

DNA Flocked Swabs

Flocked Dry Swab system aborbs and holds sample close to surface for DNA Application.

New and unique nylon flocked swab technology for DNA sample collection

Improved sample collection

Increaed assay sensitivity

Ready to use
convenient kit format for collection of DNA evidence at crime scenes or from suspects and victims.Can be used for collection of buccal swab sample and blood stains.

Simply collect,snap and ship
just peel open the pouch,collect the sample and snap the applicator shaft into the cuvette-tube provided.

Rapid absorption
Sprayed-on fibers arranged in a uniform perpendicular fashion results in tremendous hydraulics which rapidly absorbs the sample.
Superior sample release

Open fiber structure means no sample entrapment as occurs with traditional mattress wound swabs.
Increased assay sensitivity
4N6 DNA Swabs are proven to elute>90% of the original sample rapidly and easily resulting in improved assay sensitivity.


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  • 附件: 附件支持RAR,JPG,PNG格式,大小在2M范围
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