kanebo savina Minimax cleaning wiping
kanebo savina Minimax是日本钟纺株式会社开发的**别的无尘擦拭布,适用于10级以上的无尘车间净化,吸水吸油性极其优良,决不损伤原件表面。广泛使用于光学镜头,打印机,传真机,扫描仪,复印机,半导体等生产线。
kanebo savina Minimax
- Generate only a minuscule amount of lint.
- Absorb and retain water quickly and positively.
- Have lower dissolution of residual ions, etc.
- provide high wiperperformance(when used in clean rooms, wipers need to
remove a maximum amount of dust without contaminating the clean room
- Production processes for photomegnetic disks, hard disks, and floppy disks
- Production processes for deflection plates of liquid crystals, etc
- Compact and magnetic disk production processes
- Video deck production processes
- Contact lens production processes
- Camera assembly lines
- Printed circuit board cleaning processes
- Cleaning processes for camera lenses before coating
- Medicine production processes
- Movie film cleaning processes
- Production processes for semiconductors and integrated circuits
- Workpiece cleaning process before precision coating