日本山洋HUBY-340工业棉签 SANYO HUBY340
日本山洋HUBY-340工业棉签,无尘擦拭棒,工业棉棒,防静电棉签,HUBY棉签,HEIWA棉签,RUBY STICK除尘头,除尘棒,清洁棒,工业棉棒
日本SANYO三洋公司HUBY-340棉签,净化棉签,无尘棉签,洁净棉签,净化棉棒 HUBY 棉签由世界**棉签生产厂商—日本SANYO公司生产,所有型号棉签均选用**长丝棉,专业用于各行业精密产品的擦拭、清洁。可在生产过程的特殊环境中(擦拭布无法擦拭)消除污染物和保持清洁。擦拭后化学残留物含量低。可燃,易处理,对环境无害环保。大部分的清洁棉签是导电级的,可保持操作者和工具接地。适用范围:激光及相关工业,半导体及相关产业,光学,电子显微镜,磁读写头的清洗,视频头,磁头的清洗,精密器件等。
1、吸附力强,发尘量小,低离子残留 2、浸泡溶济后,棉头不易疏松变形 3、防静电无硅封装 4、环保材质,易于回收
5、有多种头型可供选择,以方便擦拭不同类型产品 6、独特的防伪标记
HUBY-340 BB-001 净化棉签
3寸 纸杆 双棉头 25支/包
HUBY-340 BB-002
3寸 纸杆 双棉头 25支/包
HUBY-340 BB-003 净化棉签
3寸 纸杆 双尖头 25支/包
HUBY-340 BB-012 净化棉签
3寸,纸杆 双棉头 25支/包
HUBY-340 BB-013 净化棉签
3寸,纸杆 双尖头 25支/包
HUBY-340 FS-010净化棉签
3寸,胶杆 平头25支/包 防静电杆/黑色
HUBY-340 CA-002 净化棉签
3寸,纸杆 双棉头 25支/包
HUBY-340 CA-003 净化棉签
3寸,纸杆 双尖头 25支/包
HUBY-340 CA-005 净化棉签
6寸,纸杆 平单头 100支/包
HUBY-340 CA-006 净化棉签
6寸,木杆 单头 100支/包
HUBY-340 CA-007 净化棉签
6寸,纸杆 双头 100支/包
HUBY-340 CA-008 净化棉签
6寸 纸杆 双尖头 100支/包
HUBY-340 CA-010 净化棉签
6寸 纸杆 单平头 50支/包 CleanCross CO,LTD JAPAN
HUBY-340 BB-001 (BABY SWAB) 3"fine paper stem, white, with double-end cotton. 25pcs packed in leaf-pack.HUBY-340 BB-002 (FINE BABY SWAB (SLIM TYPE)) 3"fine paper stem, white, with fine double-end cotton. 25pcs packed in leaf-pack.
HUBY-340 BB-003 (MICRO SWAB (SHARP POINR SLIM)) 3"fine paper stem, white, with fine double-end sharp point cotton. 25pcs packed in leaf-pack.
3"fine paper stem, white, with double-end cotton. 25pcs packed in leaf-pack.
HUBY-340 BB-013(FINE BABY WAWB SWAB(HARD SHARP POINT) 3"fine paper stem, white, with double-end hard sharp point cotton. 25pcs packed in leaf-pack. HUBY-340 CA-002(COTTON APPLICATOR)
3"paper stem, white, with doble-end cotton. 25pcs packed in leaf-pack.
HUBY-340 CA-003(COTTON APPLICATOR) 3"paper stem, white, with cone-shaped double-end cotton. 25pcs packed in leaf-pack.
HUBY-340 CA-005(COTTON APPLICATOR) 6"fine paper stem, white, with single-end cotton. 100 pcs packed in heat-sealed polybag.
HUBY-340 CA-006(COTTON APPLICATOR) 6"wooden stem, white,with single-end cotton. 100 pcs packed in heat-sealed polybag.
HUBY-340 CA-007(COTTON APPLICATOR) 6"fine paper stem, white, with double-end cotton. 100 pcs packed in heat-sealed polybag. HUBY-340 CA-008(COTTON APPLICATOR) 6"fine paper stem, white, with cone-shaped double-end cotton. 100 pcs packed in heat-sealed polybag.
HUBY-340 CA-010(COTTON APPLICATOR (MOTOR ASSY))6"fine paper stem, white, with single-end cotton. 50 pcs packed in heat-sealed polybag.